Sunday, October 24, 2010


“People don't come to church for preachments, of course, but to daydream about God.”
-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

            I like to consider myself a rather religious person, most of the time anyway. But today, after a long car ride back to BIGCOLLEGETOWN (note: never call your dorm “home” in front of your mother), I was exhausted. And, like every other time that I feel even the slightest ripple of tiredness, I quickly collapsed on my narrow bed and fell into a deep sleep.

            And then the unthinkable happened: I missed mass.

            Now, it could have easily been a subconscious motion, silencing the chiming bell ringtone alarm with one swift motion of my right hand while in some stage of slumber, but it was more than likely just an honest mistake. And I feel terrible.

            So tonight my bed is the linened altar, the lamp is the flickering candle, and my bedposts are the brick frames of the small chapel of room 372, and I kneel down to pray myself to sleep.

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