Wednesday, September 15, 2010


“I can be your hero, baby…”
-Some Song on the Radio

“Like every young boy who feels stronger on the inside than they look on the outside, any skinny boy basically who wishes their muscles matched their sense of injustice, God, it’s just the stuff that dreams are made of, for sure…”
-Andrew Garfield, the new Peter Parker

“If you could be any fictional character, who would it be and why?”
-FLO Application Essay

            Like any uncoordinated kid who has ever wanted to make a stand for himself, like the part inside each of us that is still seven-years-old, I want to be Spiderman.

            Actually, I’m not picky. I’ll go for any of the superheroes that cluttered the panels of the comic books that I still have underneath my bed. I want to have the intellect of Batman, the strength of Hulk, the do-good spirit of Superman.

            When I was younger, I never really watched sports, I never had the chance to idolize a quarterback or tape posters of Michael Jordan onto my bedroom walls. Instead, Wolverine and the X-Men, Iron Man and the Avengers came into my life, giving me self-assurance in myself and in how I perceive and act in my surroundings.

And, while it might sound immature and slightly naïve, I definitely would not be the person I am today, headstrong and confident, without the speech bubbles and right-hook punches of the spandex-clad superheroes.

I still have the action figures, filed neatly away into drawers at my house, patiently waiting for the next few years, so that I can give them to my kids, from one aspiring superhero to another.

1 comment:

  1. "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias, is the song you quoted first :)

    I really appreciate this post, a lot a lot. You had (have) your superheros, and I had (have) my storybook characters.

    And I loved the last paragraph.
